Big Tits Grace

A.J found God after his fourth girlfriend. He found God at the end of summer, precisely the weekend before the Christian private university would resume. Finding God was more convenient at this time as summer lusts were coming to a halt. The females even put on more clothes and stopped getting on their knees asides for prayer. A.J found God at the end of summer when students automatically started reflecting on their perverse deeds as if finally awoken from a decadent dream.

They all anticipated the booming voice of the pastor’s call for repentance at the start of the school year. The pastor will come as had done in previous years, dressed in an expensive dapper suit and probably Martin Dingman shoes. (The fact that his shoes can feed the congregation is another testimony that will be shared during the preaching). The pastor at the end of the service will call for repentance, taming his large booming voice to an audible whisper in sync with the sober tune of the piano. He will wear an expression of utmost pain and call out sins in alphabetical order beckoning the children to come back to God.

“Abortion, Adultery, Alcoholism, Anger, Disobedience, Masturbation, Pornography, Promiscuity, Lust, Lying, Stealing. My child today may be your last chance” he is crying now, wiping tears with his plaid white handkerchief. “God hates all these sins, come back while you still can”

Students trickle out like water from an old tap, at first in drops, one person, four people, eight more, twenty more, half the congregation, most of which will participate in the summer sinful lusts next year and years after that. It doesn’t matter. God called them now.

That was officially when A.J caught is life vision. Rushing out with half his course mates, he already held a mapped out plan, a scroll from an angel. He had to put his past behind him. His future was now written in the stars; 10 years later he will ride in church jets and conjure new terminologies for loving God.

Godmosis: Loving the Lord so much He permeates your every thought

Titian: tithe givers who conquer the world

A.J left his girlfriend, Grace that same year. He didn’t want to think of her dark skin and darker curling hair anymore. How each part of her skin glowed different shades of dark, all alike and unalike. A year ago he was her first lover after a bottle of cheap merlot and several I-love-yous. Days later he earned backslaps and hi-5’s from mates for the tales of their intimate experiments. All the boys adored big tits Grace.

Now looking at Grace only reminded him of the O curve of her mouth when she went down on him. How she said she loved him arching her back at the same time. He had been inside most of Grace countless times, in many places, the car, his room, the college toilets. What they had can never be acceptable by God he had to tell her goodbye and pray for her. He left Grace utterly disgusted as tears rolled down her cheeks “how could she weep over his decision to turn away from their sinful lives?” A.J had his obligation to God; she might one day realize this. For now he prayed that her filthy crimson soul will someday be washed white as snow.

Today Grace with big tits was not going to get in the way of his bright future.

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